
Milestones of LIFE LEACHLESS

Project completes demonstration phase in Ano Liosia

Project completes demonstration phase in Ano Liosia

The demonstration step of the plant in the second demonstration scenario (the Ano Liosia landfill in Athens, Greece) was completed at the beginning of May. The plant has been operating for four months in the Greek scenario, treating the leachate generated at the...

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LIFE LEACHLESS receives another visit from monitoring expert

LIFE LEACHLESS receives another visit from monitoring expert

On Monday 13th June the monitoring expert visited the facilities of Fundación Cartif in Boecillo (Valladolid). The purpose of the visit was to carry out a new monitoring meeting of the LIFE LEACHLESS project. Representatives of the three beneficiaries of the project...

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Pilot plant moves to Athens

Pilot plant moves to Athens

In the last few days, arrangements are being made for the dismantling and transport of the pilot plant to the second site where the pilot plant will be operating, the Ano Liosia landfill in Athens (Greece). At the end of October, members of the LIFE LEACHLESS project...

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LIFE LEACHLESS project receives visit from monitoring expert

LIFE LEACHLESS project receives visit from monitoring expert

Last May 19th, on the occasion of the 5th monitoring meeting of the LIFE LEACHLESS project, the consortium received the visit of Neemo's monitoring expert (Ms. Cristina Vicente). During the visit, the monitoring expert was able to observe first-hand the operation of...

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LIFE LEACHLESS receives the visit of EASME

LIFE LEACHLESS receives the visit of EASME

On September 18th and 19th we received the visit of the EASME Project Advisor (Mario Lionetti), the financial expert of EASME (Maryam Ghandi) and the Neemo monitoring expert (Crtistina Vicente). These days the monitoring meeting took place, during which the...

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Technical visit to Aquaporin

Technical visit to Aquaporin

During the past week, representatives of the LIFE LEACHLESS project visited the headquarters of the company Aquaporin in Denmark, to carry out a workshop about forward osmosis. Thanks to this workshop and the close collaboration of the project with the company...

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LIFE LEACHLESS at the 2nd monitoring meeting

LIFE LEACHLESS at the 2nd monitoring meeting

Last May 31st the beneficiaries of the LIFE LEACHLESS LIFE LEACHLESS project received the visit of the expert in Neemo monitoring at the Cartif facilities in Boecillo, to carry out a meeting in which the evolution of the project in the last year was discussed both...

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Design complete!

Design complete!

After the completion of the LIFE LEACHLESS Project Preparatory Actions and with the Energy integration analysis of individual processes Action completed, the project beneficiaries focused on defining the design of the demonstration plant (first part of Implementation...

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Energy integration an important part of LIFE LEACHLESS

Energy integration an important part of LIFE LEACHLESS

Using the Pinch analysis method, the energy integration of the main streams of the proposed process into the LIFE LEACHLESS project has been achieved. Using this methodology, the heat exchanged between the streams has been calculated and the minimum energy required to...

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Last steps of the LIFE LEACHLESS demonstrator design

Last steps of the LIFE LEACHLESS demonstrator design

At the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018, technical activities of the LIFE LEACHLESS project are focusing on the design and construction of the pilot plant. Based on the activities carried out in the Preparatory Actions, the required information has been obtained...

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Second workshop “LEACHLESS for kids”

Second workshop “LEACHLESS for kids”

The second workshop for children organized within the framework of the LIFE LEACHLESS project took place yesterday. On this occasion, students of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education had the opportunity to learn what not to do if we want our planet to last...

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SARDINIA 2017 welcomes LIFE projects

SARDINIA 2017 welcomes LIFE projects

The 16th edition of the Sardinia Symposium on Waste Management and Landfill was held in Forte Village, Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari) Italy, from October 2nd to October 6th, 2017.The event was attended by 676 participants (researchers, technicians,...

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LEACHLESS team at the researcher´s night in Athens

LEACHLESS team at the researcher´s night in Athens

On Friday 29th of September the NTUA team participated in the Researcher’s night Greece 2017 in the framework of the annual European Researchers’ Night which took place in 300 cities and 29 countries. European Researchers’ Night is supported by the Marie...

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Back to school…

Back to school…

After a brief summer break, the LIFE LEACHLESS team meets today at the CARTIF facility to plan the execution of one of the main activities of the project: the design and construction of the demonstration plant. INFINITVE and TRITON, main...

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Success in forward osmosis filtration tests

Success in forward osmosis filtration tests

Last week, INFINITVE personnel moved to AQUAPORIN's facility in Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, to carry out small-scale forward-osmosis condensate filtration tests. The tests were successful in quality of the effluent produced and performance of the operation. The...

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Networking with Interreg projects

Networking with Interreg projects

Yesterday, a project seminar was held in Madrid in the framework of the First Call for the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal 2014-2020 Program (POCTEP). The seminar was addressed to the Principal Beneficiaries of the approved projects and was held at the headquarters of the...

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Visit to waste treatment facilities in Athens

Visit to waste treatment facilities in Athens

On the 24th, representatives of NTUA and CARTIF visited, within the framework of the LIFE LEACHLESS project, three waste treatment facilities in the Athens area. The first facility was the landfill and waste treatment center of Attica, the second...

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LEACHLESS present at the KoM of the URBAN GREEN UP project

LEACHLESS present at the KoM of the URBAN GREEN UP project

Yesterday, June 8, the kick-off meeting of the H2020 URBAN GREEN UP project took place at the CARTIF facilities. The objective of this project is to develop a strategy for the renaturalization of cities through solutions based on nature. The event was attended by...

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Forward osmosis filtration tests are planned

Forward osmosis filtration tests are planned

On 31 May, TRITON representative visited the AQUAPORIN facilities in Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, to plan small-scale leachate condensate filtration tests. So far, leachate evaporation tests have been carried out with the laboratory module and the collected...

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First workshop “LEACHLESS for kids”

First workshop “LEACHLESS for kids”

Yesterday, the first workshop for children organized under the LIFE LEACHLESS project took place. On this occasion, Elementary School students from the school "La Enseñanza", Valladolid, had the opportunity to learn how to care for the environment, recycling, saving...

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Leachate evaporation tests start-up

Leachate evaporation tests start-up

The installation of the evaporation-condensation system (at laboratory scale), designed in the framework of the LIFE LEACHLESS project,  has been completed. Now this facility will treat the leachate to obtain a clean condensate that will feed the forward osmosis...

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All our merchandising prepared…

All our merchandising prepared…

We already have all the merchandising of the LIFE LEACHLESS project prepared. Collaborate with us through our social networks or fill out the survey of our website and get a gift !.

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Promotion in the VITARTIS workshop

Promotion in the VITARTIS workshop

Yesterday, 18th, a networking day organized by the VITARTIS cluster took place at the Fundación CARTIF facilities, which welcomed more than 50 representatives from the Castilla y León industry. During the workshop, the LIFE LEACHLESS project was promoted...

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LEACHLESS survey  for interest groups already launched

LEACHLESS survey for interest groups already launched

In the framework of the preparatory actions of the LIFE LEACHLESS project, a questionnaire has been developed for leachate generating plants and another one aimed at ceramic companies in order to know key aspects that will have a great impact on the design of the...

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Characterisation of leachate streams with different origin

Characterisation of leachate streams with different origin

The characterization of leachate samples from Botarell's Waste Treatment Center in Spain and the Ano-Liosia landfill in Anthens, Greece, has been carried out in the framework of the LIFE LEACHLESS project. Furthermore, thanks to the collaboration agreement signed...

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1st monitoring meeting of the LIFE LEACHLESS project

1st monitoring meeting of the LIFE LEACHLESS project

The first follow-up meeting of the LIFE LEACHLESS project was held today at the Fundación CARTIF, in Boecillo, with the participation of representatives from all partners and the external monitor of NEEMO, Cristina Vicente. The general conclusions reached...

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Project social networks:  Facebook, Linkedin and Youtube

Project social networks: Facebook, Linkedin and Youtube

In addition to being able to follow us through the official  web of the project, and its associated RSS channel, we have opened a corporate profile in the following social networks: Facebook: Dissemination of the novelties of the project through a corporate page...

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First visit to the future location of the LEACHLESS plant

First visit to the future location of the LEACHLESS plant

Representatives of Fundación CARTIF and INFINITVE have visited the area where the LIFE LEACHLESS project demonstration plant is planned to be installed at the Waste Treatment Center of Botarell (Tarragona). The area is adjacent to the demonstration...

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LIFE LEACHLESS kick-off meeting

LIFE LEACHLESS kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting of the LIFE LEACHLESS project was held today at Fundación CARTIF facilities in Boecillo (Valladolid) with the participation of representatives from all the partners,  INFINITVE,  TRITON,  NTUA, and Fundación...

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Kick-Off Meeting of LIFE15 projects in Brussels

Kick-Off Meeting of LIFE15 projects in Brussels

Today the LIFE LEACHLESS project is participating in the Kick-Off Meeting for LIFE15 projects in Brussels, Belgium in the premises of the European Commission, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), Covent Garden Building. The aim of the...

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