The demonstration step of the plant in the second demonstration scenario (the Ano Liosia landfill in Athens, Greece) was completed at the beginning of May.
The plant has been operating for four months in the Greek scenario, treating the leachate generated at the landfill. Periodically, the composition of the key streams of the LIFE LEACHLESS technology treatment process was analysed to determine the efficiency of the process and any operational problems that might arise.
The results obtained have been very satisfactory, as the treatment process has worked in a very similar way to that in the demonstration stage of the plant at the first site (Zonzamas Environmental Complex in Lanzarote). Similar results have been obtained in terms of organic load removal (COD), solids, metals, etc. and with a final effluent quality generally acceptable for reclaim.
Once the demonstration plant activities have been completed, the project beneficiaries will focus their activities on the completion of the last implementation and monitoring actions, with the aim of defining the scope of the LIFE LEACHLESS technology on an industrial scale, the translation of the project to case studies with different characteristics than the demonstration sites used and the definition of the environmental and socio-economic impact.
It is therefore time to quantify the results obtained and define the conclusions of the work carried out and the scope of the objectives set at the beginning of the project.